Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chance Project

1. Which of the four colors do you prefer?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Green (Winner)
D. Yellow
2. Which shape do you prefer?
A. Square
B. Circle (Winner)
C. Rectangle
D. Triangle
3. Which band do you prefer?
A. Radiohead (Winner)
B. the Black Keys
C. Kanye West
D. Fun.
4. What animal do you like?
A. Cats
B. Dogs (Winner)
C. Reptiles
D. Birds
So the idea was to take the top elements of the survey and turn them into a painting. The color and shape where to influence the base of the work, and the music and animals to influence subconscious elements in to the work. We play the music of the winning band in the background while working on the piece to influence the outcome. The parameter was to complete the piece within 10 minutes, to keep with the theme of uncontrollable random samples. This was oddly freeing and made for a new and unique experience. Quite frankly, the responses where different than I expected (other than animals). It is interesting to see what people at large are more preferable too, other than our personal interests. I hope to use this method in the future to a more modified system to help create better works in the future.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vannevar Bush

Bill Gates wants to be Immortal

Teenage Cryonicist

"In 1998, Kevin Warwick, a Professor of Cybernetics at Reading University, became the world’s first cyborg."

If Technology Fails Us, We'll Need the Stars

How I see the future in 60 years:

For technology, I believe it will be very advanced and very powerful. It will finally become sustainable and innovative. Since all our precious metals will be gone due to the rapid growth for mining, we would go in search for them in other terrestrial planets. This forces our technology to become more sustainable because it becomes harder and harder for us to find/reach these precious metals. We will become more dependent in outer planet resources. Immortality will also be a possible future for humans.

For most of humanity I believe life on earth will be very dark. Our large population would lead us to low resources and a very polluted earth. Due to the search of precious metals for our rapid growth in technology, their will be no more forests. Animal diversity will be the lowest ever seen in human history. There will be many deaths caused by starvation and the unpreparedness of our civilizations. There will also be an increase of people freezing their bodies.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

5 min brainstorm ideas

chemical imbalance, chemical in-balance. Charles Bukowski.. Post Office. traveling with paydays. far within the country. dollar motel. 600 people in a room. a morning of fog, until it clears up. the way he swims in his little fish bowl. dali salvador. cutlass, so gutless. bones. human flesh. bone structure.the crying minotaur. Thom Yorke. environmental issues. polluted air, water, body, mind and dirt. heart is a bitter buffalo. heart cooks brain. down is the new up. do not photocompose.headphones are always breaking. electric waste. decompose to make dirt. make things biodegrade.