Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Poster: Juggalo Town

I started with this sketch I drew out myself, and then used photoshop/illustrator

On tourism:

Dean MacCannell The Tourist, A new theory of the leisure class "JdP: You mention at one point in your book that entire cities and regions have become aware of themselves as tourist attractions. This has also become the case with large-scale art institutions, which mount blockbuster exhibitions, for example. How does this kind of self-awareness relate to the construction of a museum as leisure/tourism site?" We often think tourism is a market for physical experiences. What do you think about tourism but in a virtual experience? Do you believe tourism could in some way be moving from the physical to the virtual? Or will virtual tourism not be leisurely/tourism and be forming into something else? a lifestyle perhaps.

Juggalo Town: Tourist Package

Starting off with my Google Sketch Up, I built a concert stage. I chose to build a concert stage for Juggalo Town because in this community, it is heavily based off music. In Juggalo Town everyone is encouraged to perform on this stage that is available 24/7. There are also famous guest artists such ass Insane Clown Posse, Ice Cube and E-40 who have performed on this stage.

Another attraction is the local ferris wheel that is also available 24/7 
But how will you be getting here from the Juggalo Stage?
Well that's simple.
The public transportation here in Juggalo Town has busses like these that are driven by you, for you and your community. No drivers licence required.
This is a very united community filled with loyal people and considered as 1 family all together as one.
The locals are even reachable through social media like there hotline:
Looking for a local love fling? Well then Juggalove is just for you. A dating website for the wicked.
Guys are known as Juggalos and girls are known as Juggalettes. Fashion Styles vary from little to no clothes and heavy face/body paint. 

This is a very welcoming community that allows you to express yourself anyway you'd like. Anything goes in Juggalo Town, whether if it includes you driving the local busses in the middle of the night from the Juggalo stage to the Ferris wheel, or just hanging out with the locals drinking and having a blast.

Come visit Juggalo Town soon!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My 3 outside events

1. The Bay Bridge Lighting

I went to The Bay Bridge Lighting and it was a great exhibition to experience. I never saw any of the test runs so this was actually the first time I saw the Bay Bridge lid up. Experiencing one of the largest LED light sculptures is something that not a lot of people get to experience and have in their own city. To be a San Franciscan is quite lucky sometimes and I am available to view these lights more than once.

2. Computer Science Museum

Going to the Computer Science Museum was a very different experience for me. It was a very different experience for me because I always just attend art museums. I did enjoy this museum a lot because of the variety of pieces shown and seeing them in a historical context. I went with my friends on a Saturday and we just simply walked around and explored the exhibitions. I thought it was a very beautiful museum the way it was set up and seeing all the different pieces.

3.Lebbeus Woods-Museum of Modern Art SF

I found Lebbeus Woods exhibition at the MOMA very intriguing because of the geometric shapes he uses in his work. My favorite works of his were his sketches. His pieces were very beautiful and the way his pieces were presented with the lighting seem to capture and present his work more elegant. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tourism Package Ideas

Town of The Juggalos:

short documentary-

Music oriented community (genre rap)

Setting a permanent community

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mapping Artists

1.My first artist is the Computational Story Lab
One of their conceptual art pieces deals with mapping happiness
through twitter and the frequency of certain words.
The Results were very interesting and Napa, California
seems to be a happy place to live.
"Computational Story Lab are expanding their scope in an effort to
 map out the existential condition of the entire country
Unlike art cartographer Eric Fischer who used geotag data of tweets to map 
density of twitter users on the streets, CSL used the content of ten million 
geotagged tweets from 2011 onward to map out happiness on a nationwide 
scale based on the frequency of certain words."
2. Eric Fischer
Fischer uses the data from twitter to form these beautiful maps of New York
I really liked his work because of the organic presence his pieces give out.
You can see in this picture of one of his pieces looks like
veins and I thought that was interesting because it is just a image
of the data density he got off twitter

"founder Frank Tjepkema and 
DutchDNA‘s Eric Wolthuis extract genetic profiles,
map the data with 3D imaging, and transform a person’s
individual DNA into an equally unique work of art."
DNA Mapping furniture! I really just like this table because of its shape and I just wish I owned this !

Monday, March 4, 2013

Location Project

In our location, we took pictures of Cafe Rosso and turned it into a floating boat. We did this through photoshop and animated it. We uploaded the animated picture to youtube and added a QR Code. You can find our QR Codes around campus and around our location.
We really wanted our piece to be fun and whimsical from the busy school days at SF State. Often times  from my experience, students don't take a brief moment to see things differently, so this piece helps students see Cafe Rosso in a new form.
-Our video

Download here :

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chance Project

1. Which of the four colors do you prefer?
A. Blue
B. Red
C. Green (Winner)
D. Yellow
2. Which shape do you prefer?
A. Square
B. Circle (Winner)
C. Rectangle
D. Triangle
3. Which band do you prefer?
A. Radiohead (Winner)
B. the Black Keys
C. Kanye West
D. Fun.
4. What animal do you like?
A. Cats
B. Dogs (Winner)
C. Reptiles
D. Birds
So the idea was to take the top elements of the survey and turn them into a painting. The color and shape where to influence the base of the work, and the music and animals to influence subconscious elements in to the work. We play the music of the winning band in the background while working on the piece to influence the outcome. The parameter was to complete the piece within 10 minutes, to keep with the theme of uncontrollable random samples. This was oddly freeing and made for a new and unique experience. Quite frankly, the responses where different than I expected (other than animals). It is interesting to see what people at large are more preferable too, other than our personal interests. I hope to use this method in the future to a more modified system to help create better works in the future.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Vannevar Bush

Bill Gates wants to be Immortal

Teenage Cryonicist

"In 1998, Kevin Warwick, a Professor of Cybernetics at Reading University, became the world’s first cyborg."

If Technology Fails Us, We'll Need the Stars

How I see the future in 60 years:

For technology, I believe it will be very advanced and very powerful. It will finally become sustainable and innovative. Since all our precious metals will be gone due to the rapid growth for mining, we would go in search for them in other terrestrial planets. This forces our technology to become more sustainable because it becomes harder and harder for us to find/reach these precious metals. We will become more dependent in outer planet resources. Immortality will also be a possible future for humans.

For most of humanity I believe life on earth will be very dark. Our large population would lead us to low resources and a very polluted earth. Due to the search of precious metals for our rapid growth in technology, their will be no more forests. Animal diversity will be the lowest ever seen in human history. There will be many deaths caused by starvation and the unpreparedness of our civilizations. There will also be an increase of people freezing their bodies.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

5 min brainstorm ideas

chemical imbalance, chemical in-balance. Charles Bukowski.. Post Office. traveling with paydays. far within the country. dollar motel. 600 people in a room. a morning of fog, until it clears up. the way he swims in his little fish bowl. dali salvador. cutlass, so gutless. bones. human flesh. bone structure.the crying minotaur. Thom Yorke. environmental issues. polluted air, water, body, mind and dirt. heart is a bitter buffalo. heart cooks brain. down is the new up. do not photocompose.headphones are always breaking. electric waste. decompose to make dirt. make things biodegrade.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

3 artists Amy Youngs
-"An artist using electronics, kinetics, sound, insects, worms, plants and pixels to create art about the complex relationship between technology and our changing concepts of nature and self." Andy Gracie
-very interesting graphics reminded me of

 Chris Milk's The Treachery Of Sanctuary

What I liked about these three artists was how they use the subject of organic, biological, and anatomy.